Афиша и билеты BezKassira.by

Best gift

emotions of loved ones

With us everyone can find gifts for friends and relatives for all occasions

Go to gift selection
Benefits of purchasing a certificate
Why do customers choose gift certificates
Long duration
Gift Voucher is available for 12 months
Fireproof residue
Remaining funds on the certificate can be used for the next purchase within the validity period
Big choice
We offer tickets for a variety of events for purchase, suitable for all friends and loved ones
Affordable cost
We offer convenient options for gift certificate denominations for various occasions and prices
Our gift certificates
With us everyone can find gifts for friends and relatives for all occasions
20 BYN
40 BYN
50 BYN
80 BYN
100 BYN
150 BYN
How to purchase a certificate

  1. Choose the appropriate certificate and click "Pay"
  2. Enter your data and pay in any suitable way
  3. The certificate will be sent to the email address specified in the order